The owners of homes within the community have formed a Community Association to provide for the governance of this community. Governing documents have been created to provide direction to Association members. Rules and regulations stemming from these governing documents are for the benefit of residents and their guests so they may enjoy the community facilities and programs to the fullest. These rules and regulations also provide for a reasonable level of protection of Association assets to assure their availability for future use.
Essentially, the rules and regulations for Sun City Lincoln Hills - and the overall approach of the Association in performing its mission and responsibilities to its members - are based on the Golden Rule. We don't want to over-regulate, but at the same time, it is expected that all Sun City Lincoln Hills residents will be respectful of community rules and of other members of the community.
The Association is governed by a membership-elected volunteer Board of Directors that is empowered to exercise all duties necessary and appropriate for the administration of the Association's affairs. The Board also performs all responsibilities and exercises all rights of the Association as stipulated in the governing documents and as provided by law. Resident volunteers serve on committees that make recommendations to the Board of Directors.
The Association operates with complete transparency; ensuring that meetings are open to residents, are conducted according to a published/posted agenda, and include an open forum for residents to provide their input. Microphones and large screens are used to project information, and staff have an open door policy and respond to inquiries in a timely manner.
Self Managed
Sun City Lincoln Hills Community Association transitioned from Del Webb management to self management on April 1, 2005. The membership-elected resident-volunteer Board of Directors and staff work closely to conduct the business of the Association, adhering to the Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act and related California laws. Resident volunteers serve on committees that make recommendations to the Board of Directors.

The Board Relies On Seven Resident Led Committees To Provide Important Input And Recommendations To The Board.
The Committees Include:
- The Architectural Review Committee
- The Club and Community Organization Committee
- The Communications and Community Relations Committee
- The Compliance Committee
- The Elections Committee
- The Finance Committee
- The Properties Committee